by Toni Takacs | Jan 15, 2022
Morgan County, IN
Comprehensive Plan
The construction of the Interstate 69 extension is expected to radically change transportation routes and development patterns in Morgan County. As a result, HWC was retained to help the county adapt future land use and transportation plans based on the final roadway configuration. HWC’s plan also included recommendations for changes to local development ordinances, which have since been adopted.
by Toni Takacs | Jan 14, 2022
Columbus, IN
Walesboro Airport Redevelopment Plan
The Board of Aviation Commissioners sought to self-develop this unique, 800-acre former airport south of Columbus for economic development. With the former runways being used as an improvised test track, HWC’s plan identified multiple development scenarios for improvement of the site. Specifically, the plan supported short-term development that protected the use of the improvised test track until a decision was made on the need for a long-term test track at the site.
by Toni Takacs | Jan 14, 2022
Morgan County, IN
Thoroughfare Plan
With Interstate 69 construction on the horizon, Morgan County needed to adapt and plan for the interstate’s impacts. To assist in this effort, HWC was retained to lead the county in updating its comprehensive plan and thoroughfare plan. The thoroughfare plan included roadway classification updates throughout the county reflecting differences in corridor access and traffic volumes. This planning effort also included the creation of an overlay district ordinance along the Interstate 69 corridor to establish land use and development standards.
by Toni Takacs | Jan 13, 2022
North Vernon, IN
Comprehensive Plan
As part of its ongoing partnership with the city of North Vernon, HWC has worked with community, business, and city leaders to develop the last two comprehensive plans. The plans focused on major infrastructure improvements, investments in quality of life amenities, and economic development capitalizing on the nearby Muscatatuck Urban Training Center (MUTC). Collectively, these planning efforts spearheaded the construction of the U.S. 50 Bypass, North Vernon’s designation as a Stellar Community, and served as a key component for the South Central Indiana Talent Region READI Plan.
by Toni Takacs | Jan 12, 2022
Orange County, IN
Quality of Life Plan
In order to attract and retain businesses, Orange County recognized that it first needed to attract and retain population/workforce. To establish a strategy around population retention and attraction, Orange County turned to HWC to craft a Quality of Life plan. The plan included key recommendations related to parks, natural resources, trails, and other community amenities.
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