Seymour Steinker Platz
Seymour, IN
Steinker Platz
Funded partially by a tourism grant, this pocket park has become a favorite spot for frisbee in the summertime and a programmed event space during the annual Oktoberfest in the fall. HWC worked closely with the city to transform this existing gravel lot into an active urban pocket park. Special features included a copper trellis and dedication plaque, a stone engraved entrance sign, ornamental railings, and a wood trellis feature with evergreen trees as the main backdrop.

Crawfordsville Kathy Steele Park
Crawfordsville, IN
Kathy Steele Park

Charlestown Park and Recreation Plan
Charlestown, IN
Park and Recreation Master Plan
HWC worked closely with the city, parks department, and a local steering committee to complete a Parks Master Plan for Charlestown. After reviewing input from over thirty stakeholder interviews and a public survey with excellent participation, recommendations were prioritized into four categories—connectivity, programming, projects, and policy. Adding one major facility to the parks system every five years was a principal goal of the plan, which the city is actively working to implement.

Kokomo Park and Recreation Plan
Kokomo, IN
Park and Recreation Master Plan
HWC worked closely with the parks board and staff to complete a Park and Recreation Master Plan. System-wide goals included focusing on the quality of parks over the quantity of parks, promoting active and healthy lifestyles, promoting activities and programs geared specifically towards teens, connecting neighborhoods to parks, and developing digital platforms for the parks department. A clear action plan with timelines, budgeting, and mini park plans provided the city with a toolkit to begin to implement these goals.
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