Marion County Modern Rockville Road

Marion County Modern Rockville Road

Marion County, IN

Modern Rockville Road (Des. 1800035)

HWC was subcontracted by Michael Baker to assist with 6.1 Topographic Survey Collection and prepare the Route Plat and Survey Book for this project. Various data collection techniques were utilized by the project team to complete this phase of the project. The project spanned over 3 miles from I-465 to Raceway Road and includes two adjacent added travel lanes projects and two bridge widening projects under construction contract R-41781. 

Crawfordsville Downtown Loop Trail Phase 2

Crawfordsville Downtown Loop Trail Phase 2

Crawfordsville, IN

Downtown Loop Trail – Phase 2

HWC provided topographic survey to support the design services for the Downtown Loop Trail project in Crawfordsville, Indiana. 

This multi-phased project was conceptualized in the city’s 2010 Bike and Pedestrian Plan, and the scope includes a 10’ wide trail that will create an urban loop connecting Wabash College to downtown Crawfordsville. 

As of January 2018, the project is in the construction document phase and will bid in 2019. 

Clay County Craig Park

Clay County Craig Park

Clay County, IN

Clay Community Parks – Craig Park

HWC assisted Clay Community Parks with the design and preparation of construction documents for the extension of the Wilmadean Trail at Craig Park in Brazil, Indiana. The project included the construction of a pedestrian bridge with a 50’ span at the north end of the lake at Craig Park. It also included the construction of a stone trail from the pedestrian bridge north to Central Avenue.

HWC provided a topographic survey of the project area for permitting and design purposes, and our surveying will be focused on the bridge portion of the trail and will include cross sections of the stream channel. 

Veedersburg State Street Improvements

Veedersburg State Street Improvements

Veedersburg, IN

State Street Improvements

HWC is providing design services for State Street in Veedersburg, Indiana. This project is comprised of milling and resurfacing the street, installation of new sidewalks and ADA-compliant curb ramps, new street and road culverts, closing two open ditches on the east end with new storm sewers, and re-grading where necessary to improve drainage, particularly on the south side of the street.

Boone County SR 47 Small Structure Replacement

Boone County SR 47 Small Structure Replacement

Boone County, IN

 47 Small Structure Replacement (Des. 1800141)

The existing twin metal pipe structure under SR 47 in Boone County was heavily deteriorated and regularly blocked with debris. HWC designed a replacement structure with a single-span box large enough to convey the required flows and debris to reduce maintenance efforts. A practical design approach avoided unnecessary waterway impacts that would have triggered mitigation and cost. The project design included completion of hydraulics, a Level 3 environmental document, and right-of-way engineering. Utility impacts and associated right-of-way needs were minimized by vertically adjusting the overhead utility to provide adequate working room under it for OSHA requirements. This minimized both the utility’s costs and INDOT’s cost. The construction cost was $325,000.