Franklin King Street Reconstruction
Franklin, IN
King Street Reconstruction
HWC worked with Franklin, Indiana to complete the $4.3 million King Street Reconstruction project.
The project included adding raised medians, curb and gutters, storm sewer systems, interconnected bio-swales and rain gardens, a new roundabout, lighting, and drainage master planning for the corridor and adjacent properties.
Improvements along the corridor function as a gradual gateway into Franklin with an emphasis on enhanced roadway elements, such as curbed and planted medians, reduced lane widths, and other traffic-calming features. Portions of the project utilized INDOT federal aid funds. Pedestrian improvements were added along the north and south sides of King Street to improve connectivity to the surrounding neighborhoods, schools, and Franklin Historic Trails system.
Pedestrian improvements were added along the north and south sides of King Street to improve connectivity to the surrounding neighborhoods, schools and Franklin Historic Trails system.
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