Princeton Water Treatment & Storage Facilities Improvements
Princeton, IN
Water Treatment & Storage Facilities Improvements
HWC first completed a Preliminary Engineering Report for the City’s water treatment and storage systems. Princeton’s water plant was nearly 25 years old and operating nearly 24 hours per day to meet demand. The system also lacked adequate storage volume, had an existing elevated tank in poor condition, and lacked necessary fire protection.
Report recommendations included:
- A 500,000 gallon elevated water tank and 5,000’ of 16” water transmission main
- New aerators and installation of a third aerator/detention basin
- New vertical treatment pumps with variable frequency drives
- A 500,000 gallon ground storage tank and high service pumping station
- A new backwash waste holding basin
- A new SCADA controls system
- Miscellaneous building modifications
HWC completed all planning, design, bidding, and construction management phases for this $4.5 million project.
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