
Weed Management

HWC Water and Land Services, LLC is focused on providing services with the highest level of customer satisfaction. We offer a variety of services and will do everything we can to meet and exceed the client’s expectations.
What we offer:
Prepare MS4 fieldwork and documentation
Provide Best Management Practices (BMPs) for the following:
- Bioretention
- Bioswales
- Wet and dry basins
- Rain gardens
Provide mechanical cleaning of inlets/outlets of natural BMPs
Install additional riprap around inlet/outlet structures
Manage weed maintenance
Provide green infrastructure management and maintenance for aquatic services
Plant wildflower and native grasses
Clean and map storm drains and catch basins
Pond lake management
Trails vegetation control
Solar ‘inside the fence’ vegetative plantings
- Pollinator mixes
- Wildflower mixes
- Native grass and flower mixes
- Low maintenance grass mixes
- Drainage swale plantings to reduce offsite stormwater runoff
Solar ‘inside the fence’ vegetation maintenance
- Mowing
- Spraying
Landscape Services
Services & Strategy
Provide planting services of native grasses and wildflower mixes
Landscaping with native plants saves money, time, and resources
Benefits Include
- Aesthetically pleasing
- Low maintenance for locations around water and common areas
- Adapted to the local climate and soil conditions where they naturally occur

Weed Management Services
Spraying Capabilities
- Right-of-ways
- Ditch lines
- Ripraps
- Drainage basins
- Creeks and rivers
- Lakes and ponds
- Hard-to-reach areas
Additional Services
Capture before and after pictures with drone capabilities
Prepare timely written reports
Aquatic Services
Aquatic Capabilities
Manage shoreline of ponds and lakes
Manage invasive plants
- Cattails
- Aquatic weeds
Maintain ditch lines
- Spray for invasive plants and woody invasive species