HWC Engineering completed the Economic Development Plan Project for Whitestown, Indiana.
HWC assisted the town with developing both a community economic development strategy and a comprehensive plan update that shared a unified vision.
The combined planning process developed the guiding document that town officials, decision makers, developers and residents can reference as development and reinvestment occurs. The unified plan will help the town manage continued growth and unify the community vision related to overall town character.
The plan organized focus areas by denoting special development areas within the land use plan. These areas build additional flexibility into the plan while allowing focus to remain on key development areas within the community. Many of these development areas are centered along the I-65 corridor and interchanges.
Additional plan topics include transportation, municipal services, parks, open spaces, recreation and overall economic development policy and strategy. Significant focus was given to developing new primary employment opportunities, engaging the I-65 corridor, diversifying the community’s industrial base and growing a quality workforce.
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